2013年9月15日 星期日

租房 / Rent a House


Study Adelaide


Adelaide 短期

Apartment / House:

Traditional Chinese留學生
您可以租用一棟房屋或一套單元,並要簽一份合同或“住宅租賃協定(Residential Tenancy 
Agreement)”;或選擇租用一間房,並簽 “房間租賃協定(Rooming House Agreement)”。
權利,從而在住宿安排方面做出正確決定。本文由消費事務及商務署(Office of Consumer and Business 
Affairs - OCBA)編制,如需幫助,請聯係OCBA租房部(Tenancies Branch),電話:8204 9544。
是否遵守 “住房規定”(業主須將該規定張貼於所有房客能夠看見的位置)。
• 我向業主(所有者)支付租金後,是否應該獲得一份收據?
方式支付,必須在 5 天之內提供收據。但是,如果將租金支付到業主(所有者)或其
• 如未事先通知,業主(所有者)可以進入我的房間嗎?
2• 我臥室的窗戶鎖不上。如果需要進行這類維修,我該怎麼做?
到解決,您應撥打 8204 9544 聯繫 OCBA 的租房部。
• 最初簽協議時,業主(所有者)可索取多少金額?
業主最多可向您索取一周租金以及不超過 2 周租金額的押金。
• 如果我遲交租金會怎麼樣?業主可向我索取罰金嗎?
體資訊,請撥打 8204 9544 向租房部查詢。
• 業主(所有者)是否必須將押金上交給管理部門?
• 如果業主(所有者)在協議終止後不退還我的押金,我該怎麼辦?
撥打 8204 9544 聯係租房部。
• 房間租賃協議必須採用書面形式嗎?
• 在協議生效之時,我必須填寫完檢查清單嗎?
• 房東可向我索取多少押金?
房東可以索取的最高押金額取決於周租金額。如果每週的租金額等於或低於 250 澳
元,則房東可以索取等於或少於 4 周租金額的押金。如果每週租金額高於 250 澳元,
則房東可以索取等於或少於 6 周租金額的押金。
• 房東可以保留押金嗎?
不行。房東必須在收到押金後的 7 日之內,向 OCBA租房部上交該押金。如果房東聘
請了代理人為其管理物業,則押金必須在收到後的 30 日內上交。押金一旦上交,租房
3• 我支付租金後,房東是否必須向我提供收據?
如果是向房東直接支付租金,則房東必須在 48 小時內向您提供收據。但是,如果將租金
• 我的租約到期了,可房東不願退還押金。我該怎麼做?
您可向 OCBA 的租房部提交一份押金退還表(無需房東簽名),或者撥打 8204 9544 聯
• 我如何要求房東進行房屋維修?
(www.ocba.sa.gov.au)有維修申請表供您使用。如果維修未得到實施,您可以撥打 8204 
9544 向租房部諮詢。
• 我的朋友停止支付其分攤的租金。我該怎麼做?
如果與房東的租房協議上簽有您和您朋友兩個人的名字,則此稱為合租。如果超過 14 天
• 我搬出該物業後,遺留了一些傢俱在那裏。可是房東卻拒絕將傢俱還給我,因為他說我還
撥打 8204 9544 向租房部諮詢更多詳情。
更多詳情,請訪問 OCBA網站:

How can i rent house in Adelaide ?

Procedure to rent house in Adelaide is as follows:
Go to http://www.realestate.com.au, click on SA and search. Alternatively if you are in Australia you can also look Saturday advertiser newspaper for rental properties. Once you find a rental property of your choice then contact with the agent / owner and arrange a suitable time for inspection. In most cases agents / owners has their own inspection time. Please be on time to inspect the property. During inspection ask all question that you need to know. Be clear about the facilities of the properties and associated cost with the rent. There are few associated costs that needs to be considered, such as electricity, gas, phone, water, internet bills are common. If you are sure about all these and want to go ahead then ask the agent / owner for an application form and apply for it. Please keep in mind in most cases agents / owners ask for two references. For new comers to Adelaide this is a problem. You can contact us if you need any help. Rental property is very competitive now a days. In my opinion you can expect 15/20 competitor, if you would like to spent AUD 150 - AUD 200 per week. If you want to spend more money probably it would be easier. But don't get dishearten  it is possible to find an accommodation within AUD200 per week range. At the end if your application is successful you need to go through a contact. It is usually for one year. Read the contacts carefully before signing it. In most cases you need to pay two weeks rent in advance. So, be prepared with money.


The bond acts as a security against the lease agreement. It can be claimed if there is any money owed by the tenant at the end of the lease agreement - eg cleaning costs, rent arrears.

If the weekly rent is: 
  • $250 or less you can ask for up to four weeks’ rent as a bond
  • $251 or more you can ask for up to six weeks’ rent as a bond.
You must give the tenant a receipt within 48 hours of receiving a bond. All bonds must be lodged with Consumer and Business Services (CBS) to hold until the tenancy ends.

Rent in advance

You are entitled to ask for up to two weeks’ rent in advance to be paid along with the bond. If this is paid the tenant won’t have to pay rent again until the end of the period they have paid for.

Apart from the bond and rent in advance you can not ask for any other money to be paid at the start of a tenancy. 

Lodging a bond

Full bonds

To lodge a full bond:

Step 1: Complete a bond lodgment form Open in new window (PDF 44KB). For an alternative version of this document contact CBS tenancies branch.

Step 2: Lodge the form and the bond with CBS.

Cheques should be made payable to the ‘Residential Tenancies Fund’ or you can complete the direct debit form on the back of the bond lodgement form to have it deducted from a bank account.

You must lodge the bond within seven days of receiving it. Registered agents - eg real estate agents, must lodge the bond within 30 days of receiving it.  For more information about letting and managing rental properties as an agent or property manager - seeLetting and managing rental properties.

Bonds paid in instalments

If the tenant pays the bond in instalments:

Step 1: Lodge the first bond instalment with CBS by completing a bond lodgement form Open in new window (PDF 44KB).  For an alternative version of this document contact CBS tenancies branch.

Step 2: Keep the security bond number provided by CBS.

Step 3: Lodge subsequent bond instalments using a bond lodgement form Open in new window (PDF 44KB) with CBS using this security bond number. For an alternative version of this document contact CBS tenancies branch.

Bond lodgement forms should be signed by both you and your tenant. The bond should still be lodged within the required timeframe even if you can’t get the tenant’s signature. CBS will process the bond and a copy of the bond lodgement form will then be sent to you to get the tenant’s signature. Once your tenant has signed this, keep a copy for your records and return a copy to CBS

Water charges

You can include a condition in the lease agreement that a tenant pays for their own water consumption. You must give the water accounts to the tenant as they become due. If you do not provide these accounts and have had every opportunity to do so the tenant may only be held responsible for part of the account.

If the property is on a separate water meter you can ask that they pay the entire water consumption bill and the supply charge by including this as a condition on the lease agreement.

If the property is on a shared meter you can still ask that the tenant pays for water. It is recommended to calculate water charges as a percentage in these cases - eg water meter is shared between two rented properties, each tenant is charged 50% of all water usage. 

Giving receipts

You must give tenants a receipt for any rent money they pay within 48 hours of receiving it unless it is paid directly into your bank account.
If rent is paid into a bank account no other receipts are needed as the bank’s records are proof of payment. You must keep properrent records regardless of how rent is paid.

If you do not give receipts or keep proper rent records you can be fined up to $500.

Rent receipts and records should show: 
  • the amount paid
  • the date it was paid on
  • who paid it
  • the period the payment relates to
  • the address of the rented property.
For more information see Information about rent receipts and records Open in new window (PDF 32KB). For an alternative version of this document contact CBS tenancies branch.

